Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Disscussion question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Disscussion question - Assignment Example Effecting of sanctions and embargoes might do more harm than beneficial to a country for this reason; it should be done carefully after assessment of the possible aftermaths. America at one point had an embargo on almost all commodities excluding oil; this was because oil is one of their economies’ driving forces. The other strategy is through innovations which drive towards sustainable growth and quality jobs. Based on the idea that US economy is reliant on fossil fuels, it is tremendously valuable for the US government to protect consumers and businesses against harmful price shocks. Lovett, Eckes & Brinkman (2004) further explains that it has been the government’s role to assure continuous supply of strategic materials such as oil. For a long time, the U.S has left this task to the national defense stockpile which ensures that materials needed are available in time of war and this meant leaving it to the free market to guarantee supply for the industrial economy. In order to trim down US dependence on doubtful sources of supply of strategic materials need to be based on a combination of approaches (Lovett, Eckes, & Brinkman 2004). Through planned purchasing and procurement, the state ensures availability of strategic materials. When it is done by professional, it is termed as supply management. This makes sure that there is a constant supply of the strategic materials needed to the state and in a reasonable time so that there are no cases of deficit (Lovett, Eckes, & Brinkman (2004). As many would believe, US policy should be aiming at increasing trade. It is fascinating to note that, not all Americans are happy with the policy makers as the majorly dwell on business importance coupled with overwhelming goodwill that incorporate other priorities. Eckes (2000) argues that for a long time, now majority of American have been supporting the trade policy as they believe that it will improve trade. For instance, in 2001, poll

Monday, October 28, 2019

Information security authentication program for Moonshine Mining Essay Example for Free

Information security authentication program for Moonshine Mining Essay Moonshine mining deals with the mining business related to diamond, sapphire, gold etc. Moonshine mining maintains all its intellectual properties and other important documents in 3 internal servers in Perth head office. This information is very confidential to the moon shining. This information should be available only to the internal moon shining employees and other authorized personnel’s. Moonshine has identified the potential risk for the information assets through the risk assessment procedure. To overcome these risks, proper authentication and other security procedures must be implemented in the organization. Each and every method has its own disadvantages and advantages, the proper investigation and study must be performed to choose the best fit method for the organization. Introduction Computer security must be an integral part of the organization. Computer Security is the protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives of preserving the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information system resources. Through the selection and application of appropriate safeguards, security helps the organizations mission by protecting its physical and financial resources, reputation, legal position, employees, and other tangible and intangible assets (NIST 2006). Many organizations are spending millions of dollars in computer security. Computer security policies and goals should be inline with the organization mission and policies. Computer security should be very cost effective. Specialized teams must be formed in the organization for monitoring and controlling the computer security policies and procedures. Basic Security policies should be followed in Moonshine Company Computer security policies must be accessible by everyone in the organization. Each and every single personnel in the organization is responsible for implementing and maintaining the computer security. User support must be provided for solving various problems related to computer security. Help desks are needed to be created for this type of support. Additional support can be any helpline and online chat. Software support should be available in the organization. Various restrictions are needed to be imposed on the usage of several kind of software in the organization. Licensed and authenticated software are recommended for trouble free working environment. Backup plan should be implemented and followed carefully for restoration if disaster or unrecoverable errors caused. Media should be properly maintained and periodic assessments are to be needed. Login information should be kept secret and several log records are to be assed for detecting unauthorized user access. Basic security features like firewall, antivirus software are to be made ready in the system. Integrity checks and other checks are to be performed frequently. Documentation and maintenance are the important activities needed to be done regarding computer security. Authentication Authentication is very important for maintaining the computer security. Each and every personnel must be authenticated for accessing the information resources. There are many types of authentication methods. It can be broadly classified into two categories, Biometric authentication and Non Biometric authentication. The authentication must be implemented with the proper security algorithm to avoid intrusions. Many authentication schemes are developed over the years. Several hashing and other schemes are combined to make the better authentication protocol. Privacy through Biometric Authentication It is based on identifying the person based on their personal and behavioral traits. There are several biometric authentication methods like finger print recognition, face recognition, iris recognition. Some the distinct advantages of biometric method are users need not required to remember password/codes, permanent characteristics and ease of use. Finger print authentication: Finger print authentication is the basic biometric authentication method. The patterns available on ridges and valleys of person’s finger are unique for every individual (Harris D. 2000). Several algorithms are available in the market to uniquely identify the persons based on the patterns. The finger print authentication can be implemented in moon mining company with a very small amount of investment. The cost of installing devices and other software required for finger print authentication would be very minimal when compared to other biometric authentication methods. When compared to non biometric methods the database size would be litter larger for biometrics methods. Since the numbers of users in the moon mining company is very less the biometrics method can be easily implemented without any trouble. Finger print authentication method is not very much suitable for moon shine mining company because in the mining company the person works with lot of dusts and smoke. Some readers might not recognize the dirty and dusted hands. Since it is a mining company persons may have some cuts in their hand so the readers may not work properly in those situations. Most of the time users might wear gloves in their hand, they might feel uneasy to remove for each and every time for the authentication. Face recognition Face recognition is another basic biometric authentication method. In this method, the persons face is captured using camera or infrared waves and it is authenticated with the existing database. The spatial geometry in the face is analyzed to uniquely identify the face. The face can be easily recognizes with change of facial expressions or change of hair style etc. The advantages of face recognition it is the contact free process. The database should be maintained with facial information of the users. The change in the face is very minimal. The moon mining company can prefer this method of authentication. The cost of implementation is also not so high. Some of the disadvantages include detecting the face mask and low light environment (Vijayan 2009). Since it is a mining company it would operate in low light areas, so proper methods must be chosen to avoid low light environment problems. People from some ethnic groups and nationalities won’t expose the face to outer world. In those situations the face recognition it is not possible to implement. Iris Recognition Iris recognition is one of the latest methods of biometric authentication. The colored area that surrounds pupil is used for the identification of the persons (Daouk 2006). Every people have unique color pattern. It is also a non contact method of authentication. The cost of implementation is little high when compared to other methods. It is very fast and robust. The latest iris technologies are very powerful in recognizing the patterns even though they are covered with the contact lenses and glasses. Iris based authentication is recommended if the moon mining company wants high end solution for the biometric authentication and ready for little high investment. Digital Signatures A digital signature is an automated method of verifying our usual handwritten signatures. The various features like speed, pressure, nodes etc are verified for authentication. This method is based on behavioral aspect of the person. It is simple method for authentication. It has many disadvantages like it can be imitated by others easily; signature is tending to change slowly by time. It’s not so safe to go with this type of authentication method. Privacy through Non Biometric Authentication The non biometric method for authentication is very common in the organization. It is simple and easy to implement. No extra infrastructure is required to implement these authentication methods. It is very cost effective method. RFID Authentication method The privacy can be provided by ensuring the proper authentication mechanism in practice. Several authentication protocols are used in existence systems. The authentication will be performed in the readers and authentication parameters and value are stored in the RFID tags. The RFID readers would be available in each and every computers of the moon shining company. One of the common practices is store common password in all the RFID tags to be used. Whenever the tag is read if the password matches the other processing is done else the tag would be neglected. Another method for authentication is to assign store all the RFID tags unique number in database, when the tag is detected the number is cross checked with the database for authentication. Despite the numerous benefits of RFID systems, it has few pitfalls and some common problems. The main security threat in the RFID system is the privacy security breaches. All the information is stored in the RFID tags. The RFID tags can also be read by others who have the RFID readers. The data can be read and modified in the tags by any one using the RFID readers (Moscatiell 2007). The RFID systems may be collapsed if several RFID tags are processed together. The RFID tags can communicate only to one RFID reader at instance. If two RFID readers are accessing a single tag, there may be a junk or collapse in the system. Other Radio signal interference can violate some of the properties of the RFID systems. Some other security threats also exist for the RFID systems. Device Based Authentication: In this device based authentication, some special secure devices are used to generate the passcodes. These passcodes are verified for authorizing the persons. One of the famous devices is RSA based secureId device. It uses public key encryption for generating the passcode. Each and every user will have a small hand held device to generate the passcodes. These passcode are verified using the security algorithms for authentication. This method of authentication is also suggested for moon mining company. Conclusion All the organization should follow the tight computer security principles and policies. The basic security features must be installed in each and every computer system in the organization. All the users must be educated about the computer security principles and various threat regarding. The company can also go for the third parties for implementation and maintenance of computer security in the organization. This would help the organization to have the better security. Dedicated teams must be available for performing and monitoring all the computer security activities. The organization will be in trouble if the computer security practices are not followed in the organization.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Marc Reisners Coming Undammed :: Environmental Ecology Essays

Marc Reisner's Coming Undammed A dam is a barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water. (Dictionary 1) They are put in place with much care and patience. A dam is very carefully planned out. Where they are going to be placed? What type of soil it is going to be constructed in? When the plans are drawn out, every detail is gone over with a fine tooth comb. Marc Reisner has written an essay titled Coming Undammed, is an essay about him talking how he supports dam removals across the country. He has made some ideas about why he sustains his opinion, some of which I agree with, but mainly I oppose. He starts off by talking about a dam that he had visited on the Elwha River, which has two dams within it. In the upper part of the river, the Glines Canyon dam, and in the lower dam just called the Elwha. His first point against the building of dams is how the silt in the ground surrounding this dam has begun to leak into the dam. Which he says will lead to big slurrying of the water and will eventually â€Å"add millions of dollars to the cost of decommissioning.† (Reisner 382) This may be the case, but is only the case in this instance that he has come across. The ground of all other dams is not made up of the same material as every other dam in the nation. The dirt in New York doesn’t have the same makeup as the dirt of the Hoover dam in Nevada. The next idea that he had for opposing dams are the expunging of fisheries where the dams are. He gave the example of how â€Å"before the dams went in, the Elwha River churned out salmon as the Chesapeake Bay did crabs.† (Reisner 382) He also goes on to say that the fish were large and there were several types of fish with in the river. He concludes this point by saying that when the dams were built up, it shut off the fish habitation within the river and reducing the fish numbers. I agree that with him that the number of fish would be decreased with a dam being built. I think that the amount wouldn’t be that high to cause a major problem.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Philosophy Metaphysics Essay

Plato was a Greek philosopher who has written different articles and books on different subjects including poetry, politics, music, biology and zoology, physics and metaphysics and logical books. He was and is a very important figure on western culture philosophy. He was the first and founder of who created the comprehensive philosophical system on the above mentioned subjects. His complex views on practical sciences completely shaped and gave a direction to medieval scholars, their influence expanded far well into the culture although they were later replaced by modern physical science. According the study his work in biology was confirmed to be perfect and accurate as early as nineteenth century and contained the earliest known formal study with logics that were transformed to modern form of study. He was also a mathematician and the founder of Athens academy which was the first institution of higher learning in the western world. He was a Socrates student who was much influenced by his complex thinking. Plato’s sophisticated wrings can be witnessed by reading his Socrates articles. Though Plato was a lecture in his academy, none of his pedagogical dialogues is known with a proof. Bibliography Early life The Plato’s exact birth date is not known, but according to ancient sources estimates that he was born in Athens approximetry between 429 and 423 BC (Irwin,1995) He was a son to Ariston. Ariston traced his descent from the king of Athens, Codrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus. Plato’s mother was called Perictione, whose family had a undoubted relationship with the highest ranked and famous lawmaker of Athens and Solon the poet. Plato, Ariston and Perictione the sister to Chamides of the thirty tyrants had three other children; two sons, Adeimantus and Glaucon, and a daughter Potone. According to research conducted by ancient writers, his mother conceived through a virginal conception. Apollo the ancient Greek god appeared to Ariston in a vision, and this was a resulted why Ariston left Perictione unmolested. Another legend says that when Plato was sleeping as an infant, bees had settled on his lips a sign of the sweetness that would flow for he would discourse philosophy. Ariston believed to have died during the Plato’s early life, although the exact date of his death is hard to know. Plato used to introduce his distinguished relatives into his dialogues, or to mention them with some precision: (Richard, 1993) Naming Plato was formally known as Aristocles, he was named after his grand father, his wrestling coach, Ariston of Argos, nicknamed him â€Å"Platon†, which was to be his future name meaning â€Å"broad† on account of his robust figure. Plato derived this name from the breadth of his eloquence, or else because he was very wide across the forehead. (Eric, 2005) Socrates Plato made it clear in his apologies of Socrates that he was among the member of Socrates young devoted followers. In the dialogue, Socrates name Plato as one of the corrupt youths who are close to him if he was in deed guilty of corrupting the youth, he would question why his relatives did not step forward to testify against him if he really committed the crime. Plato was also fined together with Crito, Critobolus, and Apollodorus on behalf of death penalty against them. (Taylor,2001). The relationship between the Plato and the Socrates is full of problems, Aristotle tries to attributes a different doctrine with respect to the ideas of Plato and Socrates but Plato always use other people to speak in his dialogues. In another letter of Plato states that no letter of Plato will exist, this brings in a question of whether the letters believed are his are really his of from Socrates. The relationship between the Plato and Socrates is an area that that answers the scholars’ question. (Roy, 2001) The Metaphysics of the Phaedo This is Plato’s eulogy to Socrates. This recounts the last moments of Plato and his teacher. He emphasizes that we ought to care and there is a concrete need to care for our soul for this is to live in what he called philosophically. Plato tries to bring into contrast between the changing form of life and materials. Plato never gave deep description on whatever he wrote about this was referred to as Plato’s doctrine. Perhaps the scholars tend to think Plato’s way of expression on metaphysics is not complete for he does not emphasize much on the changing form and souls and metaphysics this tends to give scholars a task of trying to understand what are the set principles Plato’s tried to bring forward. Plato never gave a definition of anything though it could give a clear picture of what is in his mind (Mitchell,2004) Plato’s narration Plato, though in his narration, he never participated as a character. He never claims that he has ever heard anything to do with his narration at first place with an exception of Socrates apology. In so me of his dialogues, there is no narrator examples of these are, Meno, Gorgias, Phaedrus, Crito, Euthyphro in other dialogues, they have been narrated by Socrates where he speaks as a first person examples of this are Lysis, Charmides, Apology, Republic. Socrates narrates to anonymous person. Plato’s absence in his own dialogues and character is identified as his holding his actual view. The question of why Plato distanced himself from the author ship of his own dialogues is an issue that went against the tradition of Socrates. (Edward,2007). Late life of Plato Plato the philosopher traveled to various countries world wide which include. Cyrene, Egypt, Italy and Sicily. He returned to Athens at an age of about forty. According to history, he found a school which is believed to be one of the most organized by then in western culture on a piece of land in the Hecademus Grove. It was a big school on a piece of land owned by a citizen of Athens called Academus. The academy operated until its closedown at around AD 529 by Justinian I of Byzantium who found the academy as a threat to Christian propagation. Many intellectuals were educated at the academy including the Aristotle. Plato died at an age of 84 in Athens. (John, 1999). Conclusion Plato set a formula to be followed by modern scholars. His writings stand unique among other scholars for he never used himself as a character in his dialogues. Though not known why he used other people, he stands to be among the ancient greatest scholars. The establishment of the academy paved way forward for those who were ready to learn including the Aristotle. He is to be remembered as far formal education is concerned. Footnotes Plato was 84 years old at his death [37] The academy operated until its closedown at around AD 529[33] The Plato’s exact birth date is not known, but according to ancient sources estimates that he was born in Athens approximetry between 429 and 423 BC [36] He was also a mathematician and the founder of Athens academy [23] Crito, Critobolus, and Apollodorus on behalf of death penalty against them [46] Reference: Irwin, T (1995) Plato’s ethics, oxford university press, USA Richard, K. (1993) The Cambridge companion to Plato, Cambridge university press Eric, H. (2005) preface to Plato, Belknap press Roy, J. (2001) Plato. London, Holder and stroughton Mitchell, M. (2004). The Philosopher in Plato’s Statesman. Parmenides Publishing Edward, M. (2007). Plato. Philosophy Insights Series. Tirril, Humanities-Ebooks. Taylor, E. (2001). Plato: The Man and His Work, Dover Publications John, S. (1999). Chorology: On Beginning in Plato’s â€Å"Timaeus†. Indiana University Press.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Thread That Runs So True A Brief Summary

The vivid detail puts the reader into era that Stuart lived. He gives some information about his life, but most importantly he tells about the community in which he taught school and the ideas of the people around that time, and the emphasis they put on education. He talks about his sister and how that may have been the deciding factor that made him choose to teach. He talk about Lonesome valley and the people there, along with his long time friend Don Conway. Guy Hawkins is probably one of the most pivotal people in his career he came across.Some of the things Stuart had to do in his career would definitely not be acceptable in this day a time. The first chapter of the book tells how his decision to teach and where he chose as his first school was at. His sister had taught there a year earlier and one of the students Guy Hawkins had blacked both her eyes and beat her up pretty bad. He lied about his age to get the teaching certificate. His parents questioned his motive for teaching and choosing the school he chose. He assured them it was not for vengeance.Stuart was not intentionally looking for a fight but he was determined not to let them get away With hurting his sister. When he got the job he was shocked at the condition of the school house ND how the people in the area didn't make their kids go to school. He did understand in those times all members of the family had to help with the chores of the house. Once the crops were harvested then the attendance picked up. It was a one room school with grades one through eight. He was expecting the student who beat up his sister to in ideate the encode enter.One that Stuart was not looking forward to he was smaller than Guy. Late one day Guy came sneaking around the school looking for Stuart. In the school house he confronted him and told Stuart about beating up his sister and he was ongoing to do the same to him. Stuart had run this encounter through his mind more than once his preparedness gave him an upper hand . When Guy lunged for Stuart it was pretty much over from the start. Stuart was the victor he won the fight. But more importantly he won the respect of Guy and the whole community.Stuart was the only person to defeat Guy in a fight. Plus Lonesome Valley people lived with the mentality might makes right. The stronger your was the better. He cleaned up the school house and repainted it. The next year he had a better idea of what he had to do. The attendance picked up, he was involved in his kid's lives. And he showed a lot in the community how a proper education was worth its weight in coal. One of the people in the community came by with a wagon of coal. He had his students estimate its weight.When the man took it to market he was shocked to see he had been cheating himself for many years because he was inaccurately calculating how much he had. Jesse realized how politics and social structure played a part in the general lives. People judged everyone on just about everything where th ey went to church what they wore, or who they talked to. It was a very judgmental and politically motivated time. He became interested in a women in the next town, he tells about one night getting ambushed while walking to see her. He was egged and had gunshots fired over his head.He took his class out of this one room school and put them against a city school in an academic challenge and won. Shocking most of the people in the big city school who made fun of the group as they entered town. His way of teaching and figuring what needed to be done in the classroom was what got his students the achievements they did. His determination to succeed is what fueled his willingness to teach. From his time at this school he went on to be principal at Landlubbers High. He still walked to school because teacher salaries were not much.It took dedicated people to be teachers. He faced similar challenges as far as attendance goes. He started his career as principal walking to school five miles it was then he found out people were questioning if he died his clothes because they were discovered. That is when he learned of an unwritten rule about the principal having to live in town. When he moved to the local hotel e seen why he had attendance problems. His students were out all hours of the night. He observed them drinking, gambling and rebel rousing.He came across a game behind the school fence one day as he walked by he asked ‘ oho was winning† causing the students to scramble. He said nothing to them it was the anticipation that was torturing the students. But one thing he learned was if the POT was not in agreement he was not going to get anywhere with punishments. When they called a meeting and during the meeting he was accused of letting it go on he confronted them. Telling them exactly what he observed and what children were involved, many were prominent figures in the community.It was then that he was able to implement changes and make the school better fo r all the students at the time. Throughout Stuart career as an educator he had many trials and triumphs. What was amazing is how education was view at the time. The emphasis was not to educate but to give them something to do in the off season of farming in rural Kentucky. In the city it was not as much as the off season but the social standing was what decided whether the child was a success in life. It as interesting to see how much teachers got paid and how they were at the mercy of the people who sponsored them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Credible Words

Credible Words Credible Words Credible Words By Maeve Maddox Latin credere means â€Å"to trust† Used with the dative, it means â€Å"to believe, to give credence to a person or thing.† Several English words come from this word. Credo with a capital refers to the Christian Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed. Lowercase credo means any statement of the aims or principles which guide a person’s conduct. Creed is used more often than credo for this declaration of guiding principles. For example, â€Å"The Declaration of Independence contains the clearest, most concise, and most eloquent articulation of the American creed.† The noun credit came into English from Middle French with the meaning â€Å"belief, faith, trust.† It came to be associated with money lent or borrowed with an agreement for repayment. A customer’s â€Å"credit† is the confidence a lender has in the customer’s ability to repay. Credit is also used as a verb in the general sense of accepting something as true or truthful. For example, â€Å"He found it hard to credit his own eyes; the lion was lying down beside the lamb.† Schools are â€Å"accredited† by outside regulating boards. They have received credentials stating that they can be trusted to meet certain standards. Article IV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution is known as the Full Faith and Credit Clause: Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. The adjective credulous came into the language with the specific meaning â€Å"believing in God.† The negative incredulous meant â€Å"not believing in God.† The meaning shifted as time went on. Shakespeare used credulous in the sense of credible, but modern usage assigns distinct meaning to the two words. Credulous has the connotation of being too ready to believe. It’s a synonym for gullible. For example, confidence tricksters prey upon credulous people who are quick to believe in get-rich-quick schemes. Credible means â€Å"able to be believed.† A credible witness is one who can be trusted to speak the truth. The negative forms, incredible and incredulous, are sometimes confused. For example, here’s a headline from a site selling a sweatshirt that bears a message about not touching the wearer: incredulous dont [sic] touch me pullover sweatshirt Like awesome, incredible is often used as a throwaway word to convey enthusiasm. Sweatshirts are incredible. Singers are incredible. Movies are incredible. Generally speaking, incredible usually applies to things that are hard to believe, while credulous describes people who believe things too easily. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T"Excited ABOUT, not "for" Narrative, Plot, and Story

Monday, October 21, 2019

New Teachers Going Back To School Example

New Teachers Going Back To School Example New Teachers Going Back To School – Article Example New Teachers going back to school Department New Teachers going back to school One would make no mistake pointing out that the article which is titled New Teachers Going â€Å"Back† to School is a rather peculiar as well as effective one. These are the useful advices it contains: first of all, it is important to focus on the students and do one’s best while teaching. Secondly, the teacher should have no illusions about the children one teaches: it is important to accept them as they are. Finally, one should be kind to oneself and others.I strongly agree with the ideas that were presented in the articles. Indeed, why the first advice might seem as too obvious, a considerable number of teachers, even the most experienced ones, might overlook its significance. In addition to that, the last advice may also appear to be quite helpful as the days on a new job might appear to be quite stressful and the young teachers will not know how to get rid of the stress that affects thei r work negatively.As has been mentioned before, the advices of the article are quite useful; so, I will utilize this information in the following way: keep my mind focused on teaching and perceiving every student objectively. For this I will keep track of strong and weak points of the children and adjust my teaching style accordingly. In addition to that, I will think of an activity that will allow me to forget about the stress and the work load so that I will always have a suitable tool for recharging my batteries, figuratively speaking.References"New Teachers Going "Back" to School." Teaching Tolerance. (accessed October 27, 2014).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Write Exciting Content Even For A Boring Industry

How To Write Exciting Content Even For A Boring Industry As you peruse the internet for content marketing tips, strategies, and case studies, you may find plenty examples of what works. But, unfortunately, not all of those examples resonate with you because your industry doesnt inspire exciting, viral content. So the questions you may have are as follows. Do you need the kind of content that attracts and entertains thousands of visitors? What do you do if you want to make your content exciting in an otherwise boring industry? In this post, were going to answer both. What do you do if you want to make your content exciting in an otherwise boring industry? @kikolaniContent Doesnt Have to Be Exciting Not all content has to be exciting. Audiences in certain industries may not want exciting or entertaining, but rather straightforward, professional content. When youre not sure whether your industry is up for exciting content, the best approach is to look at what your competitors are publishing. If you see competitors at that are publishing exciting content, and those that are publishing what you might consider stuffy content, look at the engagement for both. If you notice the exciting content gets more engagement from those in your target audience, then it is something you should try in your content marketing strategy. If the stuffy content is getting more engagement, it doesnt mean you have to give up on the idea of exciting content. You may just want to incorporate it slowly. Remember that exciting has its place in your content marketing. Blog posts can be exciting and entertaining because they are considered to be more casual, conversational pieces of content. White papers, sales presentations, and similar content (again, depending on your industry) would be better served as formal content for serious audiences.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Plan for Online Portal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Plan for Online Portal - Essay Example It can be an individual or a group who wants the costume urgently and also the exact type for the theatrical portion. Ireland being a culturally active country, the need for quick access to the costumes either to buy or rent will always be required desperately. There are tremendous amount of requirement for quality costumes and of varied price ranges. There are numerous websites which will give you lot of options to purchase, rent or sell the costumes but it does not meet the need of each and every person. Either the prices are too high or the exact type of clothing is not available. In such cases what are your options' In fact there is none. The idea of this portal is to bridge the gap between the consumer and the vendor. There are many such vendors who are willing to perform online trade and as a matter of fact the count is quite large. All one needs is a common platform to trade. The business model is unique and one of a kind. Though this form of business is not unknown to the people, yet its usage in the costumes industry has never been thought of before. The idea of this paper is to look into the business perspective of the portal and analyse its various aspects, like SWOT, research methodologies and the analysis part which will provide the readers a proper overview of the viability of this project. The needs of costumes are required not only in Ireland but all over Europe, which is rich in cultural activities and hence the prospect lies in addressing such a need across Europe. However, initially the idea is to concentrate only in Ireland and that too in the field of costumes. Once the business has stabilized the other areas of theatre and drama will be taken into account also considering the prospect of spreading it against the other countries of Europe. The areas which are thought of are props, sets and theatre professionals. The basic idea or the USP of the business will remain the same. A common platform to rent, sell or buy the services as and when required. Also the prospect of identifying a large number of clients and vendors under the same roof is one of the USP for the business. 2. Literature Review There are quite a few websites which at present deal with the exchange, sell and buy of such costumes and other related services and products. There are costumes which are available for diverse range of occasions. These include the costumes required for television, film, Halloween, medieval or children's costumes. The modus operandi for such websites or online portals is relatively simpler. They have a few set suppliers or themselves are the agents of such products and services. In such case the stock is limited and the availability cannot be judged

AML- KYC (anti-money Laundering- know your customer) - TD Canada Trust Assignment

AML- KYC (anti-money Laundering- know your customer) - TD Canada Trust Retail Banking - Assignment Example The improvement of the KYC/AML policies would enable the TD Bank to better understand its customers, the principals underlying customers who play the agent role and their financial dealings which can assist mutual fund to control its risks vigilantly, as well as understanding the beneficial owners in instances of entities that are non individual. In order to improve the TB Bank (KYC/AML) Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering policy and procedure emphasizes should be directed on the general doctrines undertaken by the bank to establish an effective process of record keeping, reporting, internal control, and customer identification in an effort to check money laundering related operations, or financial terrorism. The criteria for customer acceptance policy in TD Bank should be tightened in the sense that accounts must not be opened in a factious or anonymous entry or name; customers should only be accepted after identity verification; the customers must as a matter of caution, be classified in different risk categories, with each having a criteria of acceptance; new customers identity must be scrutinized to ensure that it does not have any criminal record or banned entries. However the implementation of customer acceptance policy should not be so stringent such that it obstructs banking services to the public in general, and those who are socially or financially underprivileged in particular. The TD Bank in an effort to improve its KYC/AML policies must adhere strictly to the rules of customer identification procedure. This should involve identification and verification of customers’ identity through independent and reliable source documents, information or data. To improve this policy, the bank must be satisfied that the potential customer is actually who he claims to be. In addition, TD bank must ensure that enough information is obtained on the purpose, identity, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Influence of Cultural Knowledge in Human Resource Management Essay

Influence of Cultural Knowledge in Human Resource Management - Essay Example The paper studies the influence of cultural knowledge in Human Resource Management. Culture plays a vital role in any organization. The understanding of culture involves both external and internal elements. To nurture a strong corporate culture within an organization, the human resource department must invest time into activities which would develop the basic understanding of the organization into the minds of the employees. The human resource department itself carries the role of molding the employees into a commodity for the company. Many different aspects and practices are explored to bring into light the problems that the human resource department faces with employees and the cultural diversity that comes with them. The response of how fresh graduates and professional human resource managers was tested. The results showed that the understanding of human resource managers showed because of their experience in the field. The time that had been spent working showed that they underst ood the mindset of individuals that they interviewed and how those individuals would have adapted into the culture of the organization. Further the difference of how society affects the individuals applying for jobs and how it impacts their thinking process. Further discussion on how human resource practices could improve the workspace. The best way for an organization to excel is to build a strategy which differs from that of any competitors in the market. One factor that could be used to influence positive performance and to build a great strategy would be to focus on the understanding of culture. Culture itself plays an important role in leading to the success of a firm. (HR Impact on Corporate Culture, 2005). The Human Resource moreover functions in creating a shape or change that enforces the corporate culture. (HR Impact on Corporate Culture, 2005). To serve the human resource function and to emit the gap between Human Resource business planning or even to bring about a basic understanding of cultural awareness, one is required to understand that importance that culture brings in a firm’s success. (HR Impact on Corporate Culture, 2005). â€Å"Culture defines the proper way to think, act and behave within an organization.† (HR Impact on Corporate Culture, 2005) Understanding culture helps new individuals, who join an organization, fit into the environment without any problems. These people tend to be the most successful in the work environment because of how easily they can relate to their work environment and the people that they work with. The ones in the organization who choose not to do things in a proper way often are relieved of their positions within a time period decided by the human resource department. (HR Impact on Corporate Culture, 2005). The culture of an organization is mostly set by its top management who decides what is right and what is wrong in a firm’s workspace. (HR Impact on Corporate Culture, 2005). This culture that has been created is seen by leaders at a competitive advantage over its competitors. Culture helps an organization adapt with its external environment because of how important it is for its internal integration. (HR Impact on Corporate Culture, 2005). Often when a new individual joins an organization he has no understanding of the culture that pertains to exist there. With time the individual develops to understand this and generally finds this difficult to fit in. The factor that affects human resource management of most is national culture. (Dimba, 2007). This problem can usually cause inefficiency and lead the individual to fall behind in work. The end

Titus Andronicus Questions, Civility vs Barbarity Assignment

Titus Andronicus Questions, Civility vs Barbarity - Assignment Example en intervenes in an argument between Saturninus and Bassianus which he saw would lead to violence saying that that was not the way the Romans should behave. Titus also murders Tamora’s son despite her pleadings and this is a show of barbarism. He also shows civility by pleading with Titus to allow Mutius be buried within the family grave . This all happens before Tamora is married by Titus to become the queen. Tamora has all along planned to have her revenge on Titus. In the forest, Aaron and Tamora discuss of the revenge they were plotting of killing Bassianus and raping his bride Lavinia who was Titus most treasured daughter. After this act, lavinia is mutilated in the arms and tongue so that she cannot report the people who had raped her. When Titus finds his daughter in this state, he murders her because she had been raped which is quite uncivilized. This happens during the feast. This act is again followed by a series of other murders where Titus kills Tamora and is killed by Saturninus. Lucia then kills Saturninus to avenge the death of his father. At this point Lucia becomes the emperor asking for Saturninus to be given a state burial, Tamora body is thrown to be fed by the Beast and Aeron is buried alive. All these events are a revelation of the barbarism that exists in Rome despite their claim of being a civil

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Real Estate Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Real Estate Investment - Essay Example Lack of infrastructure and basic facilities would lead to downfall in prices of the land and investors will lose faith and retract the investment. This would be huge disaster for any businessman. Therefore before putting a land to sale check the basic amenities and infrastructure and the price of the land accordingly. Italy has become a hotspot for real estate business domestically and internationally. The main reason for this is the presence of strong infrastructure and basic facilities like water and electricity. One of the important factors that have increased the real estate corporate is the high rate of ownership. Real estate has become an alternate investment in Italy. A general definition of valuation of property is to state the actual value of the property both according to the government and private (commercial) sector. But government will valuate only landed property and fertile land. While valuating a property government will not consider the commercial demand that property is possessed with. Italy has many heritage monuments. The heritage monuments may fetch income in the form of tourists visiting these monuments. Government earns income with the developing tourism. The income goes to the government treasury, which is utilized in developing the country's economy. Apart from state owned properties commercial and residential ... Commercial show room owners are ready to pay any amount of money to get a place in the most commercially viable areas. The reasons for the properties producing high income is leasing it out or renting the property for a specified period of time. The value of the commercial and office property keeps growing with the development of the city. With increasing number of tourists visiting the revenue increases. Tourism also plays an important in increasing the price of the land. As population of the country increases the cities start expanding and drag the outskirts into city limits. Since outskirts will be a new place to establish, developers raise the property keeping in mind the space required for offices, commercial establishments, military units and staff quarters for employees to reside. Newly established property prices touch the skies means the prices are always soaring high allowing only rich and effluent people to purchase the property. These properties fair well when they are presented up again for resale. The process of buying a property is regulated in Italy. An offer should be made through selling agent once an investor secures the mortgage for the property. A contract will be framed once both the parties agree on the price. At this juncture investor has to deposit 10-30 percent that is mandatory. The deposit is not returned to the investor if pulls out from the contract. If the vendor pulls out he should pay twice the amount that was agreed upon as the deposit. The preliminary contract contains information on basic issues like sale price, details regarding mortgage and completion date. The both parties, which are a legally binding agreement, sign the reservation and the sale is completed on a specific date

Leading in emergent and changed environment Case Study

Leading in emergent and changed environment - Case Study Example This was facilitated by high demand levels that existed in other counties that were not producers of the dairy products. The amount of exports made by Bega cheese is as much as the sales made in the domestic market. Bega cheese has been able to keep their customers and suppliers updated using national and international media. It has also been able to make a contribution to career development opportunities to a large number of people and has been able to employ more than 1700 people from different regions. The model that is applicable in Bega Cheese Company is Kotter’s eight-step change model. This model is efficient in planning and sustaining any change implementation (Bridgeland and Zahavi, 2009). The eight steps involved in the model are establishment if a sense of urgency, creation of a guiding coalition, development of a change strategy, communication of the change strategy, empowerment of employees for action and generation of short term wins. The next step is consolidation of the gains and production of more change, and anchoring the new changes into the culture of the company (Kaplan, 2012).The first step is identifying the sense of urgency. This is usually a situation in the company that will need to be attended to urgently. In the case of Bega cheese, the urgency might be seen as the situation whereby the suppliers of the dairy products discovered that the marketing for their products was not so successful and they discovered the urgency for chance, which enabled them to focus on forming a cooperative society. Another urgency for change in the company may be observed in the situation whereby Bega cheese discovered the demand for cheese in the other countries and made changes from basically selling to the domestic market to extending to the export market (Sabri et al, 2007). Development of a change strategy is another step in the model that will involve coming up with a strategy for the change that is designed for the company. Designing the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Real Estate Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Real Estate Investment - Essay Example Lack of infrastructure and basic facilities would lead to downfall in prices of the land and investors will lose faith and retract the investment. This would be huge disaster for any businessman. Therefore before putting a land to sale check the basic amenities and infrastructure and the price of the land accordingly. Italy has become a hotspot for real estate business domestically and internationally. The main reason for this is the presence of strong infrastructure and basic facilities like water and electricity. One of the important factors that have increased the real estate corporate is the high rate of ownership. Real estate has become an alternate investment in Italy. A general definition of valuation of property is to state the actual value of the property both according to the government and private (commercial) sector. But government will valuate only landed property and fertile land. While valuating a property government will not consider the commercial demand that property is possessed with. Italy has many heritage monuments. The heritage monuments may fetch income in the form of tourists visiting these monuments. Government earns income with the developing tourism. The income goes to the government treasury, which is utilized in developing the country's economy. Apart from state owned properties commercial and residential ... Commercial show room owners are ready to pay any amount of money to get a place in the most commercially viable areas. The reasons for the properties producing high income is leasing it out or renting the property for a specified period of time. The value of the commercial and office property keeps growing with the development of the city. With increasing number of tourists visiting the revenue increases. Tourism also plays an important in increasing the price of the land. As population of the country increases the cities start expanding and drag the outskirts into city limits. Since outskirts will be a new place to establish, developers raise the property keeping in mind the space required for offices, commercial establishments, military units and staff quarters for employees to reside. Newly established property prices touch the skies means the prices are always soaring high allowing only rich and effluent people to purchase the property. These properties fair well when they are presented up again for resale. The process of buying a property is regulated in Italy. An offer should be made through selling agent once an investor secures the mortgage for the property. A contract will be framed once both the parties agree on the price. At this juncture investor has to deposit 10-30 percent that is mandatory. The deposit is not returned to the investor if pulls out from the contract. If the vendor pulls out he should pay twice the amount that was agreed upon as the deposit. The preliminary contract contains information on basic issues like sale price, details regarding mortgage and completion date. The both parties, which are a legally binding agreement, sign the reservation and the sale is completed on a specific date

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

2 - Assignment Example The company owns over 7 million hectares of land across the Northern Territory and Queensland. The company’s strategy is to operate in diversified agribusiness operations and bring innovation in existing business practices in order to achieve long term gains. ActivEX Limited is an Australian mineral and exploration company that specialises in identifying, acquiring, and distribution of minerals. The company aims to increase shareholders’ value by investing into quality projects including minerals such as gold, copper, cobalt, etc. The company is involved in activities such as drilling, soil testing and mapping, data compilation, and reviewing. Adcorp Australia is a leading advertising agency owned locally and offers services including branding, advertising, creative design, event management, media planning and promotions. a) The monthly returns of the three companies are calculated using the following formula: Monthly return = (Current adjusted close price/Previous adju sted close price) – 1 The historical prices of the three companies are obtained from Yahoo Finance and the individual monthly returns of the three chosen stocks are shown in the appendices section. The period under study was for 61 months ending on Dec 31, 2012. The calculations are made in the MS-Excel spreadsheet application using the above formula to calculate monthly returns. Then the average monthly return is calculated using the Excel function AVERAGE that computes the average of given numbers. The standard deviations of adjusted closing prices are calculated using the STDEV function of MS-Excel. Standard deviation is the measure of risk of investment which measures the stock volatility over a given period of time. The expected return from the stock is calculated using the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) approach, where there is the concept of Beta. From the above summarised risk-return analysis, it can be said that the returns of all the three stocks are equal since beta is very close to zero but it is positive. This means that investment in either of the companies is safe as it is apparent that the standard deviation of market index (AORD) is more volatile than the chosen stocks. From the theory of risk-return, it can be said that the higher the risk, the higher would be potential return. This is true in case of AORD since the risk borne by the investor must be compensated by higher expected returns. When the individual stocks of the companies are compared to AORD, it can be said that all the three stocks have lower standard deviation or risk associated with investment. This would alternatively mean that the returns from these stocks would be lower due to less associated risk. This can be verified from the expected return that calculates the estimated return from the stock using CAPM. In this study it was found that expected return of AORD was higher than the three chosen stocks due to a higher risk. Also, for the given return, the rational i nvestor would select the stock that is least risky and in this study riskiness of investment is determined using standard deviation. A higher value of standard deviation means that the stock is more risky and vice versa. From the above table, it can be said that Activex Limited is the least risky (the lowest standard deviation among other two stocks) and Australian Agriculture Co. Ltd is the riskiest (the highest standard deviation among other two stocks). b) In order to estimate the beta for each of three chosen

Monday, October 14, 2019

Crime and Legal System Essay Example for Free

Crime and Legal System Essay In the broad field of criminal justice, one particular issue critically relevant in the concern of crime prevention and social control is juvenile delinquency due mainly to the fact that its target population are the minors in the society. The concept of juvenile delinquency generally encompassed numerous concerns namely the crimes involving minor offenders, the court system to address these cases, the punishment approach for the young individual, and others relevant in achieving an effective approach for achieving the ideal justice for these young offenders. In this pursuit, incorporating sociological concepts can indeed promote development in the effectiveness of the criminal justice system for cases of juvenile delinquency. In analyzing the criminal justice system for minor offenders, it is critically important to consider several factors directly related to the effective achievement of its function. Among these factors are the effect of the punishment to the minor offender, beneficial alternatives for the criminal punishment, motivational strategies of behavioral development, influence of personality background, and others. Incorporating the sociological perspective in this concern, the said field explains that the family structure, environment, and culture are influential factors to the individual’s personality and behavioral development as such, should be considered in determining the appropriate action for cases of juvenile delinquency. Indeed, incorporating this approach will reveal a more appropriate, effectively altercating, and motivational action towards addressing the personal problems of the young offenders resulting to their juvenile delinquency. Indeed, sociological, the youth period in the timeline of each individual is a critical condition wherein the person encounter personality confusion and identity struggle. During this period, the erratic behavioral changes in the person can result to aggressive actions and decisions and if influenced by negative factors can result to juvenile delinquency. As such, approaching the view through a sociological perspective, it is more advantageous to tackle the problem by helping the offender cope up with his or her personal changes and struggle and guide the person to the proper way. Indeed, developing the punishment system in this approach can result to an effective juvenile justice system that promote healthy development through guiding the misdemeanor of the minor offenders towards fruitful growth and development for their benefit. In this approach, the issue of juvenile delinquency will be addressed by minimizing the problem and taking this approach as a mean of helping the youth through the growth.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Oedipus the King: A Tragic Hero Essays -- Literary Analysis

In most dramatic plays, tragedy usually strikes the protagonist of the play and leads him, or her, to experience devastating losses. While tragic instances can be avoided, there are other instances where one’s fate and future is out of the protagonist’s control. In Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles and first performed around 249 BC, Oedipus cannot escape his destiny and even though he tries to overcome and circumvent prophecy, he finds out that supernatural forces will get what they want in the end. Oedipus meets the criteria of a tragic hero set forth by Aristotle and his fate within the play demonstrates that one does not always have free will in their lives. Traditionally, in Greek drama, tragedy is meant to reaffirm the concept that life is worth living and that people are in constant opposition with the universe. Action within Greek tragedies commonly comes from inner conflicts. These actions are also intended to create feelings of pity and fear within an individual (â€Å"Greek Theatre History Notes,† 2011). Greek tragedy also holds that the hero of the play, who is a good person yet not perfect, must fall from his or her position of nobility, grace, or power. Additionally, Greek tragedy contends that the audience must experience catharsis after tragic events happen and that the hero is left to face the world by him or herself (â€Å"Greek Theatre History Notes†). Aristotle defined tragedy as, [An] imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its katharsis of such e... ...ory of Tragedy in the POETICS.† Ed. Barbara F. McManus. November 1999. Web. 18 April 2012. Brown, Larry. â€Å"Aristotle on Greek Tragedy.† 2005. Web. 18 April 2012. â€Å"Character Archetypes.† Listology. 15 February 2006. Web. 18 April 2012. Gantz, Timothy. Early Greek Myth. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. Print. â€Å"Greek Theatre History Notes.† Web. 18 April 2012. â€Å"Greek Tragic Drama.† Memphis University School. Web. 18 April 2012. Loy, Jim. â€Å"The Riddle of the Sphinx.† 2002. Web. 18 April 2012. â€Å"Myths and Archetypes.† In Search of Myths and Heroes. PBS. November 2005. Web. 18 April 2012. â€Å"Oedipus the King.† Classical Humanities 222, Bucknell University. Spring 1999. Web. 18 April 2012. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Web. 18 April 2012. Struck, Peter T. â€Å"Oedipus as Tragic Hero.† 2009. Web. 18 April 2012. â€Å"Tragedy: The Basics.† Web. 18 April 2012.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Critical Response: Jack London :: Biography Biographies Essays

Critical Response: Jack London Jack London, a well known American author, has written a fair share of truly classic works.   The Call of the Wild and White Fang are staples of middle and high school reading requirements.   His other novels, such as The People of the Abyss and Sea Wolf are not as well known, but are still regarded as brilliant pieces of literature by many scholars.   Lesser known are his many volumes of short stories; "To Build a Fire" being the most popular.   I cannot say that I have read even a small percentage of London's works, but from what I have read, I noticed some recurring similarities.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the semester in class, we have learned how authors utilize various elements of writing to make their point more prominent.   For Jack London's earlier works, his Yukon setting and rugged, adventurous characters appear quite frequently.   Such is the case with the three stories I chose to study; "Love of Life," "The League of the Old Men," and "To Build a Fire."   Along with this, I believe that the theme of survival appears in these three, as well as many other stories from London.   I took it upon myself to try and find out why London used survival as his main theme.   To demonstrate this recurring theme, I will give a brief synopsis of the three stories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "To Build a Fire" is a story about a man who is traveling alone in the frozen Yukon.   He knows that it is not safe to be traveling when it is so cold, but stubbornly keeps moving.   He falls through a crack in the ice, wetting his feet.   In order to stay alive, he must build a fire, warm his feet and move on.   Despite several attempts, the man fails and dies.  Ã‚   Of the fourteen pages within "To Build a Fire," eight of those are devoted to the events of the man trying to make a fire; the other six mainly focus on the setting.   The man's determination to build the fire is evident-a simple annoyance at the beginning leads to a frantic demise at the end.   The plot was as simple as one man's attempt to survive against nature.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Contrastive Lexicology Essay

1. Lexicology and linguistics. Contrastive lexicology, object, aim, and tasks. 2. The history of contrastive lexicology, main units and terms. Ukrainian scientists, manuals, observing. 3. Language and vocabulary. The branches of Contrastive Lexicology. 4. Structural aspects of a word: External and Internal structure. Scientific methods to leant English and Ukrainian words in Comparison. 5. The semantic unity of a word. Polysemy: types of semantic component. Sema, Semema, semantic field. 6. The main scientific aspects: syntagmatics and paradigmatics in Contrastive lexicology. 7. Contrastive lexicology and Lexicography. 8. Structure of the vocabulary of modern English and Ukrainian. The main groups of words. Colloquial words, the main stock of English and Ukrainian Vocabulary. 9. Morphemic structure of a word. Morpheme. Allomorph. Morph. 10. English and Ukrainian principles to analyze word structure. Productive and unproductive morphemes. 11. Neologisms, Historicisms and archaisms, their place in English and Ukrainian vocabulary. 12. Etymology as a branch of Lexicology, objective and tasks. Etymological structure of English and Ukrainian vocabulary in comparison. Indo-European element. 13. Word-building in english and ukrainian. Affixation 14. Semantics as a branch of lexicology, its goals and tasks. 15. Etymological structure of English and Ukrainian vocabulary; borrowed and native elements; loan words, Etymological doublets and triplets. 16. Etymology: peculiar features of international words. International words in translation. 17. Denotative and connotative meaning of a word. Bilingual dictionaries in translating and interpreting. Printed and electronic dictionaries. 18. Word-formation: productive ways to derive words in English and Ukrainian: Composition. 19. Word-formation: reduplication, back-formation. 29. General ways to enrich English and Ukrainian vocabulary. Nonce-words, Euphemisms, word-groups with transferred meanings. 35. Semantics: Types of semantic component; the processes of Development and Change of Meaning in English and Ukrainian. 36. Semantics: Kinds of transference (based on resemblance and based on contiguity); broadening and narrowing of Meaning. 37. Synonyms in English and Ukrainian vocabulary; Hypheronyms and Hyponyms. The Dominant Synonyms. 38. Isomophism and allomorphism in contrastive lexicology as basic principles. Branches of Contrastive Lexicology. 39. English and Ukrainian idioms, phraseologisms, usage, way of interpreting. 1. Lexicology and linguistics. Contrastive lexicology, object, aim, and tasks. Lexicology is that part of linguistics which studies words, their nature and meaning, words’ elements, relations between words (semantical relations), words groups and the whole lexicon. LG is a branch of linguistics and has its own aims and methods of scientific research. Its basic task is to study and descript systematically the vocabulary in respect to its origin, development and current use. Linguistics is the scientific study of natural language. Linguistics is narrowly defined as the scientific approach to the study of language, but language can be approached from a variety of directions, and a number of other intellectual disciplines are relevant to it and influence its study. The Contrastive and Comparative LG – their aims are to study the correlation between the vocabularies of 2 or more languages and find out the correspondences between the vocabulary units. The task of Contrastive lexicology is â€Å"to compare linguistic accounts stated, within the same lexicological framework, of the lexical competence necessarily possessed by speakers of the two languages concerned†. Aim: To conduct a comparative-synchronic comparison of lexical items and events, to highlight common features in the lexicon of two languages. Explore lexical linguistic phenomenon (trends words) and discover the peculiarities of the national outlook. Object: lexical units of the two languages. Subject: different aspects (origin of word morphemic structure, lexical change trend values), phenomena or processes (common features). 2. The history of contrastive lexicology, main units and terms. Ukrainian scientists, manuals, observing. The term â€Å"Lexicology† first was introduced in the French D. Diderot and d’Alembert’s encyclopedia in 1765. However, as a separate part of Linguistics, Lexicology appeared relatively recently. At the beginning of 20 century, an American linguist Leonard Bloomfield thought that linguistics in general should not engage in semantics. Ukrainian scientists presented the Kiev and Kharkov school: Ðâ€"Ð »Ã ¾Ã ±Ã'‚Ð µÃ ½Ã ºÃ ¾, ГÐ ¾Ã »Ã'Æ'Ð ±Ã ¾Ã ²Ã' Ã'Å'Ð ºÃ ¸Ã ¹, Ðâ€"Ð °Ã ¹Ã ²Ã ¾Ã'€Ð ¾Ã ½Ã ¾Ã º, КÐ ¾Ã'€Ã'Æ'Ð ½Ã µÃ'†Ã'Å', БÃ'Æ'Ð ±Ã »Ã µÃ ¹Ã ½Ã ¸Ã º, КÐ ¾Ã ½Ã ¾Ã ½Ã µÃ ½Ã ºÃ ¾. The second half of 19 century. Stylistics, grammar, lexicology are contrastive . 3. Language and vocabulary. The branches of Contrastive Lexicology. Lexicography is the science and art of compiling dictionary. The first book published under the English title Dictionary was Latin-English Dictionary by Sir Thomas Elyot (1538). For a medieval scholar a dictionary was a collection of diction or phrases put together for the use of pupils studying Latin. One of the purposes of dictionary in medieval times was glossing texts and employing synonyms for them. Dictionaries are prepared to serve different practical needs of the people. A reader looks at the dictionary mainly from the following points of view: (1) as a reference book for different types of information on words e.g. pronunciation, etymology, usage etc. this may be called the store house function of the dictionary. (2) as a reference point for distinguishing the good or proper usage from the bad or wrong usage. This is the legislative or the court house function of the dictionary. Branches: The General LG – the general study of words and vocabulary. Linguistic phenomena and properties common to all languages are generally referred as language universals. The Special LG – is the LG of a particular language. That’s the study of and description of its vocabulary and vocabulary units. The Historical LG – the evolution of any vocabulary. It discusses the origin of various words, their change and development, investigates linguistics and extra linguistics forces. The object – its single elements, modifying their structure, meaning and usage. The Contrastive and Comparative LG – their aims are to study the correlation between the vocabularies of 2 or more languages and find out the correspondences between the vocabulary units. The descriptive LG – deals with the vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of its development. LG also studies all kinds of semantic grouping and semantic relations such as synonymy, ant onymy, homonymy, semantic fields. Meaning relations as a whole are dealed within semantics – the Study of meaning. 4. Structural aspects of a word: External and Internal structure. Scientific methods to leant English and Ukrainian words in Comparison. The word can be seen in terms of its internal and external structures. The external structure of the word – its its morphemic composition. It is considered in terms of free and bound morphemes. The Units of external structure are the structure of prefixes, suffixes, roots, foundations, and their combination of lexical items in two languages. The external structure of the word – is a study of Word Formation. Word Formation in English and Ukrainian language has much in common, and words often have similar structure. Considerable Amount of prefixes and suffixes are unique in two languages (writer; student; teacher – Ð ¿Ã ¸Ã' Ã'Å'Ð ¼Ã µÃ ½Ã ½Ã ¸Ã º; Ã' Ã'‚Ã'Æ'Ð ´Ã µÃ ½Ã'‚; Ð ²Ã'‡Ð ¸Ã'‚Ð µÃ »Ã'Å'), part of Ukrainian suffixes (suffix system and the Ukrainian language is much more developed and richer than Engl ish) has not derivational analogy in English (Ã' Ã ¾Ã ½Ã'†Ð µ Ã'â€" Ã' Ã ¾Ã ½Ã µÃ'‡Ð ºÃ ¾, Ã'…Ð ²Ã ¸Ã »Ã ¸Ã ½Ã ° Ã'â€" Ã'…Ð ²Ã ¸Ã »Ã ¸Ã ½Ã ºÃ °). Internal structure of words – its its meaning, views and values of its shades, are seing in part of lexicology called semasiology. Some words has quite clear phonetic motivation: buzz, splash, snore and Ð ´Ã ·Ã ¸Ã ¶Ã'‡Ð °Ã'‚Ð ¸, Ã'…Ð »Ã'ŽÐ ¿Ã °Ã'‚Ð ¸, Ã'…Ã'€Ð ¾Ã ¿Ã'â€"Ã'‚Ð ¸ – and the imitation of sounds of two languages (similar in nature) may be different Ukrainian people hear in snoring Ã'…Ã'€(Ð ¿Ã'€Ð ¸Ã ¼.Ã'€Ð µÃ ´. Ã'‚Ð ¾ Ð ½Ã µ Ã'â€"Ã' Ã º Ð ¿Ã'â€", Ð ° Ã'Æ'Ð ºÃ'€ Ð »Ã'â€"Ã'‚Ð µÃ'€Ð ¸ Ã'…Ã'€), and British people hear s..r. Distributive analysis – a method of language-based learning environments of all possible linguistic units, the words in the text (excluding notional side words).(e.g. man – Adj+N(boring man), work – V+Adv(to work slowly).) Analysis of the direct components – a unit of linguistic analysis by its representation as a nested hierarchy of elements from each ot her, forming a structure. Thus, in the case of non-governmental words we first distinguish two components – non /-governmental, as it is formed from the word non-government, then government / al, and finally govern / ment. Component analysis – a method of linguistic analysis of lexical units, lexical expansion and the value of the minimal semantic components and representation of lexical meaning (e.g. a nose – denotative – Ð ½Ã ¾Ã' , to nose connotative – Ð ¿Ã'€Ð ¸Ã ½Ã'ŽÃ'…Ð ¸Ã ²Ã °Ã'‚Ã' Ã' ). Transform analysis – is to change language unit into a unit with another structure without changing the content(e.g. to give help – to help; to play visit – to come). In the Ukrainian language you can determine the status characteristic phrases Ð ½Ã °Ã ´Ã °Ã ²Ã °Ã'‚Ð ¸ Ð ´Ã ¾Ã ¿Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã ¾Ã ³Ã'Æ' – Ð ´Ã ¾Ã ¿Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã °Ã ³Ã °Ã'‚Ð ¸ (Ð °Ã ºÃ'‚Ð ¸Ã ²Ã ½Ã ¸Ã ¹ Ã' Ã'‚Ð °Ã ½), Ð ° Ð ¾Ã'‚Ã'€Ð ¸Ã ¼Ã'Æ'Ð ²Ã °Ã'‚Ð ¸ Ð ´Ã ¾Ã ¿Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã ¾Ã ³Ã'Æ' (Ð ¿Ã °Ã' Ã ¸Ã ²Ã ½Ã ¸Ã ¹) there is no one-word expression. 5. The semantic unity of a word. Polysemy: types of semantic component. Sema, Semema, semantic field. The semantic unity of a compound word is often very strong. In such cases we have idiomatic compounds where the meaning of the whole is not a sum of meanings of its components, e.g. to ghostwrite, skinhead, brain-drain etc. In nonidiomatic compounds semantic unity is not strong, e. g., airbus, to bloodtransfuse, astrodynamics etc. Polysemy is the capacity for a sign (e.g., a word, phrase, etc.) or signs to have multiple meanings (sememes), i.e., a large semantic field. Types of Semantic Components: The leading semantic component in the semantic structure of a word is usually termed denotative component. The denotative component expresses the conceptual content of a word.(e.g. lonely, adj. – alone, without company , to glance, v.- to look). It is quite obvious that the definitions only partially and incompletely describe the meanings of their corresponding words. They do not give a more or less full picture of the meaning of a word. To do it, it is necessary to include in the scheme of analysis additional semantic components which are termed connotations or connotative components. Grammatical meaning is a meaning which comes to the fore in the words with different lexical meaning, and brings them into one row: apples, tables, books, birds – grammatical meaning of plurality; was, went, ate, did, slept, knew – grammatical meaning of past tense. Lexical meaning – is a meaning which combines different grammatical forms of a word into one paradigm: to be, was, were, been, is, are; apple, apples, apple’s. Seme – an elementary semantic feature, a minimal unit of meaning. Sememe – a set of semes recognizable in a given word. A semantic field is a technical term in the discipline of linguistics to describe a set of words grouped in a certain way. 6. The main scientific aspects: syntagmatics and paradigmatics in Contrastive lexicology. Syntagmatics – linear (simultaneous) relationship of words in speech as distinct from associative (non-simultaneous) relationship of words in language. Paradigmatics – 1) associative (non-simultaneous) relationship of words in language as distinct from linear (simultaneous) relationship of words in speech (syntagmatics); relation of units in absentia (e.g. synonymic, antonymic relationships); 2) an approach to language when the elements of its system are regarded as associated units joined by oppositional relationship.Word-meaning in syntagmatics and paradigmatics Intralinguistic relations of words are basically of 2 types: syntagmatic and paradigmatic. Syntagmatic relations define the meaning the word possesses when it is used in combination with other words in the flow of speech. Paradigmatic relations are those that exist between individual lexical items which make up one of the subgroups of vocabulary items (sets of synonyms, lexico-semantic groups, etc.). Syntagmatic relations Paradigmatic relations He got a letter. I received a note. She obtained an epistle. 7. Contrastive lexicology and Lexicography. Lexicology is that part of linguistics which studies words, their nature and meaning, words’ elements, relations between words (semantical relations), words groups and the whole lexicon. The Contrastive LG – is a branch of lexicology. Its aim is to study the correlation between the vocabularies of 2 or more languages and find out the correspondences between the vocabulary units. Lexicography is an important branch of linguistics which covers the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries. Lexicography is divided into two related disciplines: Practical lexicography is the art or craft of compiling, writing and editing dictionaries. Theoretical lexicography is the scholarly discipline of analyzing and describing the semantic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships within the lexicon (vocabulary) of a language, developing theories of dictionary components and structures linking the data in dictionaries, the needs for information by users in specific types of situati on, and how users may best access the data incorporated in printed and electronic dictionaries. 8. Structure of the vocabulary of modern English and Ukrainian. The main groups of words. Colloquial words, the main stock of English and Ukrainian Vocabulary. Compiling the dictionary included a conceptual framework of its own language (lexical, grammatical), and sociolinguistic aspects are closely interrelated. Most vocabulary words gives the collection of one or another language in alphabetical order. There are dictionaries in which words are represented nested system, it means that in a lexical article are all derived words derived from one root word. There are even inversion dictionaries – in the words given them by letter words end.The whole of the word-stock of the English language can be divided into three main layers: the literary layer, the neutral layer and the colloquial layer. The literary and colloquial layers contain a number of subgroups each of which has a property it shares with all the subgroups within the layer. The aspect of the literary layer is its markedly bookish character. The aspect of the colloquial layer is its lively spoken character which makes the layer unstable. The aspect of the neutral layer is its universal character. That means it is unrestricted in its use. It can be used in all styles of the language. It is this feature that makes the layer the most stable of all. The subgroups of the special literary vocabulary are the following: terms, poetical words, foreignisms and barbarisms(non-assimilated words that are known to everyone(tet-a-tet, Ð ¼Ã µÃ'€Ã' Ã'â€" Ð ±Ã ¾Ã ºÃ'Æ'), archaic words(woe (sorrow), nigh (near)), nonce-words. The subgroups of the special colloquial layer are such: dialectical words, vulgarisms, slang, jargon, professionalisms, nonce-words. 9. Morphemic structure of a word. Morpheme. Allomorph. Morph. The morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of form. A form in these cases a recurring discrete unit of speech. Morphemes occur in speech only as constituent parts of words, not independently, although a word may consist of single morpheme. Words that consist of a root and an affix are called derived words or derivatives and are produced by the process of word building known as affixation (or derivation). The root-morpheme is the lexical nucleus of the word; it has a very general and abstract lexical meaning common to a set of semantically related words constituting one word-cluster, e.g. (to) teach, teacher, teaching. Affixational morphemes include inflectional affixes or inflections and derivational affixes. Inflections carry only grammatical meaning and are thus relevant only for the formation of word-forms. Derivational affixes are relevant for building various types of words. They are lexically always dependent on the root which they modify. An allomorph is a linguistics term for a variant form of a morpheme. The concept occurs when a unit of meaning can vary in sound (phonologically) without changing meaning. It is used in linguistics to explain the comprehension of variations in sound for a specific morpheme. Allomorph is also defined as a positional variant of a morpheme occurring in a specific environment and so characterized by complementary description. Any concrete realization of a morpheme in a given utterance is called a morph. 10. English and Ukrainian principles to analyze word structure. Productive and unproductive morphemes. In most cases the morphemic structure of words is transparent enough and individual morphemes clearly stand out within the word. The segmentation of words is generally carried out according to the method of Immediate and Ultimate Constituents. This method is based on the binary principle, i.e. each stage of the procedure involves two components the word immediately breaks into. At each stage these two components are referred to as the Immediate Constituents. Each Immediate Constituent at the next stage of analysis is in turn broken into smaller meaningful elements. The analysis is completed when we arrive at constituents incapable of further division, i.e. morphemes. These are referred to Ultimate Constituents. The analysis of word-structure at the morphemic level must proceed to the stage of Ultimate Constituents. For example, the noun friendliness is first segmented into the ICs: [frendlÄ ±-] recurring in the adjectives friendly-looking and friendly and [-nÄ ±s] found in a countless number of nouns, such as unhappiness, blackness, sameness, etc. the IC [-nÄ ±s] is at the same time an UC of the word, as it cannot be broken into any smaller elements possessing both sound-form and meaning. Any further division of -ness would give individual speech-sounds which denote nothing by themselves. The IC(Immediate Constituents) [frendlÄ ±-] is next broken into the ICs [-lÄ ±] and [frend-] which are both UCs(Ultimate Constituents) of the word. Morphemic analysis under the method of Ultimate Constituents may be carried out on the basis of two principles: the so-called root-principle and affix principle. According to the affix principle the splitting of the word into its constituent morphemes is based on the identification of the affix within a set of words, e.g. the identification of the suffix -er leads to the segmentation of words singer, teacher, swimmer into the derivational morpheme – er and the roots teach- , sing-, drive-. According to the root-principle, the segmentation of the word is based on the identification of the root-morpheme in a word-cluster, for example the identification of the root-morpheme agree- in the words agreeable, agreement, disagree.By productive affixes we mean the ones, which take part in deriving new words in this particular period of language development. The best way to identify productive affixes is to look for them among neologisms and so-called nonce-words, i. e. words coined and used only for this particular occasion. Unproductive, non-affix morphemes that exist only in bound form are known as â€Å"cranberry† morphemes, from the à ¢â‚¬Å"cran† in that very word.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Human Resource Management in Brunei Essay

Rousseau (1990) defines culture as a set of common values and understandings obtained through socialization (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2008). As such, the Islamic laws define the fundamental customs and lifestyle of Bruneians. Nevertheless, culture is an elusive behavior, which can be refined and redefined as the macro-environment changes. We explore how attitudes and perspective can be changed, in order to better adapt to technologies through laws and policies, without contradicting the essentials of Islamic culture thus improving their economy. The General Order in Brunei provides employees with high social security and benefits; they are entitled to ‘lifetime employment’ (Dore, 1973). Thus leading to insufficient supply of jobs for the younger generation who makes up the largest percentage of the unemployment rate. Additionally, paternalism is evident in Brunei; superiors act as a father figure in the organization and employees show utmost respect for their managers. Thus illustrating the relationship between cultural influences and organizational behavior. Foreign investments and tourism in Brunei have been severely impeded due to their inflexible Islamic culture, hence affecting Brunei’s integration with the world. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Pakistan, the importance of ‘liberation of visa regulations’ will ‘boost tourism and trade opportunities’ (Ying Chua, 2010). However in Brunei, regulations on foreign investments must comply with the standard of their Islamic laws, which hinder growth. Thus, exemplifying that culture affects its economy as it set the boundary of Brunei’s business environment. It is difficult for Brunei to fully integrate their economy with western countries due to very differing culture. Nonetheless, she can aim to be the capital for the Islamic world. For example, it can be the financial capital for the Middle Eastern countries, or even the world main supplier for Halal food in the world. This acts as a double-edge sword for Brunei because Brunei will not compromise their rich culture for economical gains. However before attaining such standards, Brunei has to examine their technological infrastructure and whether Bruneians are ready to adapt themselves for changes. Bruneians pride themselves on their rich Islamic culture hence they are less receptive to changes that appear to be in conflict. The sultanate laws never inculcated the use of technology until the mid 21st century, the government through its education system (Ganske & Hamidon, 2006). However the older generation, which the workforce mainly consists, is less responsive to such drastic changes. Firstly, it is against their culture to voice differing viewpoints to their superiors as it is considered disrespectful therefore, severely curtailing their initiative thus breeding complacency and conformity. Secondly, the lack of formalization (Chan, Foo, Nelson, Timbrell, & Othman, 2010) contradicted the implementation of new technologies; ‘the announcement to embark on e-government (a B$1 billion project) was made in 2000 but it was not until 2003 that the actual planning started (Kifle & Cheng, 2009)’, this 3 years gap have left many Bruneians confused about the process and pro gress. Language is part of a country’s culture. (Bakar, 2008). Therefore any language differences, will significantly hinder Bruneians’ adaptation to technology. Brunei’s national language is Malay while new technologies developed are instructed in English. This sudden change in the use language has adversely impeded on their adaptation. Nevertheless, this is only applicable to the older generation as Brunei government has enforced bilingualism in their current education system. A shift in their language culture from solely Malay to bilingualism will enhance their adaptation to new technology hence fulfilling Brunei’s vision of becoming an e-government whereby all traditional manual paperwork are electronically done. It is indisputable that Brunei will always be ruled by a strict set of Islamic laws, which forms the core principle of the country. Nonetheless, the problems faced by Brunei can be corrected through prudent laws and policies that can be inculcated as part of their culture. Culture shapes the fundamental of the legal and political system in Brunei. The Sultanate laws favour the Brunei Malays because of their shared values and customs while indigenous minorities are viewed inferior (Braighlinn, 1992). This partial treatment could potentially jeopardies Brunei’s economy by distancing relationships with developed countries because of very differing culture and customs and these developed countries have valuable resources, which Bruneians can acquire from. For example, skilled professionals from other countries will be hesitant to enter Brunei’s workforce because they have slower social advancement and benefits. This can be improved on without changing the core principles of Islamism. Furthermore, it is because of their traditional principle of ‘strict essence of conformity and consensus’ (Kramar & Syed, 2012) that has tremendously thwarted their country’s global integration. Brunei’s doctrine, ‘does not allow organization or individual to challenge the government and its policies’, has adversely stunts employees’ initiative. The Majesty criticized their work indifference, working ‘just like a robot with no direction, initiative or common sense’ (Low, Zain, & Ang, 2012). Such inflexible and flaccid work-attitude, would only curtail individual’s motivation at work and more drastically, leading to colossal losses to the organization. To a great extent culture sets the tone of how a country should be governed by defining the boundaries of their operations. However, we can no longer say that a country’s culture is a separate entity from its political system or from its economy or even their adaptation to technology. Culture orientates the parameters of one’s laws and policies, which in turn affects the growth of its economy. Likewise, a technologically cultured country brought about through good policies, could bring about many benefits to its economy. All these factors are intertwined and together they work as a whole system as to how a country, whether private or public companies, should be run. However there are certain strategies which the government can undertake to help individual adapt to the technology. The Government Employee Management System (GEMS) is a project, which aims in achieving an interactive and integrated public service. (Brunei Government Prime Minister’s Office 2010) Human Resource Management (HRM) consists of 2 main functions; the process of managing people in the organization in a structured and thorough manner, e.g. hiring people and retention of people. Secondly, the management of people within an organization e.g. managing relationship between management and employees. Critically, HRM requires the use of technology-based platforms to ensure efficiency and high-productivity of an organization. Thus, the importance of implementing GEMS and ensuring success to facilitate HRM better. Introduction of the use of technical system for HRM Government Employee Management System (GEMS) is a web-based system that enables, â€Å"efficient data input and greater transparency, which allows better management of HRM practices such as recruitment, compensation and benefit.† (Brunei Government Prime Minister’s Office 2010) To achieve greater effectiveness, GEMS will automate a significant number of tasks that were previously done manually. Employees’ information will now be kept in a database accessible to all departments, and it will be easily attainable. It would fasten decision-making because information would be readily available whenever required. Responses of Advancement of technology in HRM However, GEMS was not well received by employees. The Majority of the population belongs to the Malay community, thus finding it difficult to adapt to the English web-based system. Strategies that involve Human Resource enable individual employees to adjust themselves to technological changes Re-training of Employees GEMS was found as a complex system, training is thus, crucial to assist staff and officers to adapt and operate GEMS effectively. Training will greatly assist employees to better manage GEMS, as employees would be able to constructively operate the new system independently. Further mentoring is needed to ensure employees have fully comprehended the use of the system. At the same time creating a sense of achievement and often boost employee’s morale. However, there are several disadvantages and cost to re-train employees. Firstly, the large amount of people in an organization makes it difficult to schedule trainings (N Nayab 2010). Secondly, training requires a lot of time and ample resources, which could be economically disadvantageous in the short run. Hence, organization should thoroughly consider the pro et contra before sending employees for re-trainings. Motivating of employees Another key approach to assist staff and officers to adapt effectively to such changes is through motivation. Rewarding Employees A reward system can be created to encourage the use of technology. A good strategy to ensure adaptation for employees would be the use of monetary benefits. For example, HRM could implement an incentive plan by recognizing its employees for its efforts to adapt and use new technologies. It aims to acknowledge good performance and address the gap between the organization goals set for employees and the final outcomes. Increase job satisfaction of employee The more contented an employee is with its job, the higher possibility an employee would be adaptive to changes. (Richard W. Scholl 2003) Employers can consider satisfying employees’ job satisfaction, such as pay, working hours and job security. With job satisfaction, employees would be more adaptive to changes and the willingness to ensure effective operation of GEMS, which in result beneficial to the company in the long run. However, motivation is subjective. While it can empower employees and employers, its effect may be short term. Therefore, effort must be made consistently, for it will not be able to fulfil its long term effect of adaptation towards new organization goals. Strategies by Singapore Government A country’s adaptation towards technology is nurtured over time, and Singapore is a good example for Brunei to help individual adapt to technology. Singapore encourages technology development in its bid to become the next Silicon Valley (Gregory Gromov 1986). Singapore Government has created schemes and funding, which include cash grants, tax incentives and debt financing (AsianOne 2009). Brunei Government could also implement special schemes and grants dedicated to attract setup and ensure success, encouraging entry of foreign technology investors. This will subsequently, benefit Brunei as it helps risk reduction, in terms of investment in the long run. To further encourage the development of new innovations, SPRING Singapore has a special Technology Innovation Programme (TIP) for those who are able to develop new inventions or improve existing ones (SPRING Singapore 2012). Such programs and campaigns could be implemented in Brunei, encouraging Brunei to be exposed to the latest technology available, resulting in the increase of tech savvy consumers over the years. The above are just some strategies, which Brunei can adopt to help individual adapt to technological changes. There are many other strategies and prudent policies which Brunei can mirror, modeled by the western countries without compromising its core principle of Islamism. HRM is not culturally neutral. The nature of the scope is linked with local institutions, labour laws, corporate strategies and industrial relations vary greatly across national borders. Social Rights Bruneian adheres to the MIB ideology, a set of guiding values with the incorporation of the importance of Islam as a religion. This strict rule over the country means there are limitations to the freedom of speech, freedom of associations and collective bargaining (Kramar & Syed, 2012). However, despite the strict conformity, the government has adopted flexible and family-friendly policies (Kramar & Syed, 2012). For instance, General Order states that one should work no more than 8 hours and there are flexibilities when family responsibilities arise. America offers a much higher degree of freedom to its people. In the case of her stipulated law, â€Å"employees shall have the right to organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers†¦. in the designation of such representatives.† (Stough, 1933). This leads to the formation of Labour Unions, which give the workers’ rights to negotiate terms with the management. The political system of the two countries sets them apart. In Brunei, HRM has to adhere to the country’s strict conformity, affecting multiple HRM issues such as appointments, discipline, work etiquette and appointments. Its people have little or no say over what is decided for them, unlike America. This social rights has seen the formation of Labour unions; an idea in which the government of Brunei will never tolerate. Sociocultural Individualism vs. Collectivism Brunei is more of a collectivist – the working environment culture is such that the people who work together are closely knitted, like a big family (Salleh & Clarke). Supervisors and officers are treated with respect like that of a parent (Kramar & Syed, 2012). Employees have no qualms sharing any problems and issues with their managers. Such informal relationship leads to total loyalty to their group; it gives the workers the sense of belonging and security. America, on the other hand, is represented by individualism (Gorrill, 2007). The need to develop personal relationships is less significant in comparison to Brunei. Individual performances are, instead, highly valued in American culture; managers are only approached for help in essential situations (Gorrill, 2007). The American corporations subscribe to formal corporate planning procedures and are generally viewed as unconcerned with promoting long-term loyalty to the organisation (Beechler, Najjar, Stucker, & Bird, 1996). Thus, a highly competitive work ethic is cultivated, leading to less job security Low vs. High Power Distance With a hierarchical relationship in place, Brunei is thought to possess a high power distance. However, it is not the case. The nurturance and care provided to the subordinates by their superiors imply that a paternalistic relationship is present (Aycan, et al., 2001). In return, the subordinate are loyal to their superior. The relationship positively impacts on the employee participation rates in decision making and problem solving. Evidently, it lowers the power distance between managers and their subordinates. Western cultures are, more than often, represented with a low power distance, thus a certain degree of informality is present. However, in America, an authoritative and organisational hierarchy is very much accepted and entrenched in its business culture (Dana, 2010). In other words, decisions are made from the top. The hierarchical chain of command often supersedes personal relationship and clear distinctions are made between work colleagues and friends (Gorrill, 2007). These leads to a significant power distance between managers and employees. Economy The economic context of a country is hardly predictable and stable, but it is most likely to have long-term consequences for HRM (Kramar & Syed, 2012). The supply and demand of labour forces vary accordingly to the country’s unemployment level. Supply and demand of labour force The benefits offered by the Brunei’s public sector, coupled with the family-style work culture, create a stable and secured work environment. As such, a job position will, almost, only be available when someone retires or resigns (Kramar & Syed, 2012). This brings about minimal turnover and thus, leads to an oversupply of labour force. America also faces unemployment issues but however, causes and implications are different and unlike Brunei, the issue is not a long term one. In the States, companies are unconcerned with long time loyalty and retrenchment may occur due to poor performances, intensifying job competition (Gorrill, 2007). Despite facing similar unemployment problems, HRM from the two countries has to tackle the problem very differently. When 1,000 applicants apply for a job with only 4 vacancies, HRM in Brunei has to ensure the right people are hired for the jobs (Kramar & Syed, 2012). (Salleh & Clarke)While in America, HRM faces the challenges of recruiting people for jobs because intense job competitions bring about a lack of job security. Bibliography AsianOne (2009), Singapore Press Holdings Ltd., Singaporeans second most tech savvy in the world, viewed 15 February 2013 . Aycan, Z., Kanungo, R. 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